After finding Jenna on Twitter I found she was headed to Melbourne , I’d never stayed with a private lady before.
After looking at her website and reviews I had to make a booking !
I emailed her and the booking was made with ease , her cheeky side even started to come through !
The night of the booking came , I was very nervous but after opening the door to a smiling Jenna , dressed in the cutest , curve hugging dress that I’d requested my nerves disappeared.
Her smile is contagious , and kisses blew me away ! Started a chat and it felt like I’d known her for years.
It was an amazing few hours , I’ll be feeling on top of the world for a while I’m sure .. I’m really glad I got to meet Jenna as I’ll be seeing her every time she comes to Melbourne , guaranteed !
Thanks again for a very sensual , sexy and very wet meeting
Originally posted on #ScarletBlue