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"She’s chatty and interesting and that’s something missed in a lot of these reviews"


After the hyperbole about Jenna, Tuesday I thought I’d venture forth and find out what all the fuss was about. A quick text confirmed her address and I’m off to Kelly country. Put the car on autopilot whilst I snoozed at the wheel. Jolted awake somewhere near Pennant Hills, yep you guessed it, those bastards at the RTA put a curve in the road to stop people going to sleep. How inconsiderate!

Actually the roads were so good I hardly noticed the distance cos suddenly I’d arrived.

Jenna answered the door in a chaste white dress and I was invited in. I sat on her sofa while she got me a drink. Flaming red hair - a young virginal bodecea …well… maybe not the virginal bit. But you get the idea.

The first thing I noticed (besides her boobs) was her personality. She’s chatty and interesting and that’s something missed in a lot of these reviews. In fact, I found it difficult to match the lady I’d read about in the reviews to the warm engaging person before me. Second thing I noticed about Jenna was her boobs. Mmm …well… maybe it was the first thing noticed but my mother always told me it’s rude to openly ogle at a lady’s assets. Awesome! I could spend the rest of my life exploring those babies. She’s only 24 years old but she’s a big beautiful girl who’s going to make my usual Asian WLs look positively anorexic!

We discovered an instant chemistry so did the only thing left. And after a lingering DFK, I declared my love and dropped on one knee to propose.

“Let me save you from Emp’s incessant Bung bunga parties.” I declared.

Bugger it, she wasn’t that keen. Nevertheless after lots of encouragement (and I think I paid her $200 for the hour at this point). She agreed to give me her unconditional love, honour and obedience for the next hour and possibly slightly longer if her next client is running late and there’s nothing good on TV. FUCKING BONUS!!!!

After her generous pledge, I felt compelled to make a similar outrageous undertaking. Taking her hands in mine, I solemnly swore to cry out her name every time I orgasmed for the month of August. Idly, I was wondering what my girlfriend will make of all this when we next met. No worries I can always explain it away as some kind of ‘brain fart’.

Vows complete, we decided to skip the rest of the ceremony and head straight for the honeymoon. I was led upstairs to the honeymoon suite.

Mmm tasteful décor. Not sure what I expected, maybe flaky curtains spray painted by Sydney South or Emp’s abstract art hosed onto the wall. Sadly, everything was pristine and virginal. I pointed out a discolouration on the ceiling and enquired if this was evidence of emp. She shook her head. No, she’d swallowed the evidence! Touché!

A quick shower and then we embraced in front of the mirror. I got most of her clothes off but left her bra on till last. I was like a little kid unwrapping a lolly wrapper. Unfortunately I got overawed and had trouble getting the fucking thing off. Fingers turned to thumbs! Just before I’d given up completely and asked for the scissors, she swung around the unsheathed those babies. Holy mother of god, all my prayers had been answered!

My fingers snaked their way down to find her sweet bald pussy soaking wet. A few flicks of her clit and her face reddened as she unleashed a cascade of girl cum over my feet and her carpet. She apologised but I didn’t care in the least. We retired to the bed and brief bit of BBBJ before I flicked her again until she cried out and another geyser erupted, this time all over her doona. This was repeated a few times more.

By the way, I’m curious to find out who does the laundry around her place because from the way this session was progressing, the cleanup would be practically a full time job. I’m thinking a suitable gift to my new bride might be a self-draining heavy duty king sized bed constructed from industrial strength rubber with Kevlar reinforced sheets.

Finally, she whispered that she’d like to fuck me and found a black dom which she applied to little happy. It was at that point I’d realised I’d forgotten something pretty important for our impending nuptials. I excused myself and fumbled around in my trouser pockets till I pulled forth the ring!

She squealed with delight as she held it up to the light then slipped it round my….cock. Yes, it was a cock ring. You guys didn’t think it was… oh no matter.

Into mis this time as I play with those melons from god. Blue eyes boring into mine. Her face suddenly went bright red and it took all my strength to stay inside her as another blast of hot liquid soaked the lower half of my body. Some hard slamming ensued. I sucked and teased her tits again til they hardened and despite the wet squish every time I hammered into her, again I felt another jet stream explode down below.

Her startlingly blue eyes found mine, “Mmm you’re good at this stuff aren’t you?”

I’m not quite sure how I replied because I was tiring fast.

I told her I’d like to come but was undecided how. It’s either in doggie or CIM.

What a conundrum! Her grin was pure evil as she confessed that favourite position was doggie. So doggie it was.

We saddled up, both watching ourselves in the mirror. Man what a sight! I was suddenly a rodeo rider holding on for dear life. Those big tits swinging wild and free, my left hand holding tight on long red hair and her open mouth crying out as she had the granddaddy of all orgasms. The force of the blast ejected my cock followed by a fountain of girl cum that practically toppled me backwards off the bed. I have never ever, ever had anything like this happen before. I towelled off briefly and climbed aboard again, both of us drenched. I jack hammered her like I was drilling for gold which I finally found when I came deep inside. As I did, she came yet again and ejecting my subsiding cock out along with the torrent.

Crikey, I think I need a rest. The session was pretty well over so we chatted about this and that. You know how newlyweds do. Finally I asked if she’d like a massage before I left. Of course was the reply so she retrieved some sweet smelling oil which I liberally applied to her back and buttocks. Then as an afterthought I got her to flip over and I got to work on those incredible tits of hers.

Mmm I think she liked it cos she was giving me that look. You guys know that come hither look, surely? A kind of heavy lidded gaze as she licked her wet lips.

“Do you still want to come in my mouth?” she whispered.

Fuck me dead. Is a frog’s arse watertight?

Sliding effortlessly into 69 and she swallowed my whole cock, gagging slightly as she took the entire length. I spread the lips of her bald pussy and commenced to lick away. In no time at all she began gasping and just when I began to think that DATY might not be such a great idea, she came like Krakatoa. The full blast took me so much by surprise I swallowed a full mouth of girl cum before I knew what was happening. Now I don’t go in for this as a rule but I have to confess she tasted surprisingly sweet, kind of like coconut milk. Go figure! We paused briefly whilst I towelled off my head and then back to work. Me fingering her this time using the running finger method on her g spot to push her over yet again and again and yet again. She wanked me furiously until I came with a cry. Quick as a cat she milked every last drop into her beautiful mouth then swallowed down the lot.

She offered me a drink from her water bottle which I accepted gratefully

‘I didn’t think you’d mind’, she gasped ‘cos my mouths just swallowed your cum.’ its true I didn't mind at all.

Honeymoon now over; beautiful Jenna finally confessed that she is in fact married already to the men of AUX …and her husband.

Holy Polyandry Batman!!

Naturally, I was completely devastated but cheered up remarkably when she sympathetically stroked my cock. ….

We embraced at the door as she showed me out. She was still nude and looking like she was getting ready to pounce on her poor tired husband when he trudged home through the door. Fuck knows I’d tried to help him out but left with the uncomfortable feeling I was only the warm up act for some marathon session she had planned for the poor bugger that night.

I drove back to work and promptly fell asleep at my desk. I’d probably be there still if the cleaners hadn’t awoken me!

So, if you are thinking of a honeymoon or in fact thinking of staying on honeymoon like AB, do yourself a favour and visit Jenna. For those lucky silvers, I’ve included our honeymoon photo for your enjoyment

So til next time my flame haired maiden. Our love lives on. Adieu. XX

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